The journey from Tobermory to Moffat was very easy. We arrived at Craignure just as a ferry was loading, it was two hours earlier than the one that we'd booked but we had a word and it didn't matter so we hopped on. We were sad to be saying goodbye to Mull but our holiday wasn't yet over as we had one more night to go on the way home. Apart from some roadworks around Glasgow, there were no hold-ups and we arrived in Moffat (Dumfriesshire) at about 3:30pm. The hotel was getting on a bit but it was OK and the town looked quite nice.
After checking in we went for a walk around town to check out where we could eat dinner. We had a couple of pints and a game of cards in the Buccleuch Arms and then decided that the best option would be to eat back at the Balmoral then have an early night - which is what we did. Unfortunately, the rest of Moffat was up for a party and, our room being at the front, we were privy to their music, singing, and shouting. Thank the Lord for ear plugs - they saved the day (or night).
It's Rememberance Sunday today and there was a commemorative ceremony outside Moffat Town Hall, complete with pipers. As the Town Hall was dead opposite our hotel we had a good view of the preparations but we left before the ceremonies started. The drive back to Lincoln was long but there were no traffic problems and we arrived home again at about 3:30pm.
Thank you Scotland for a great holiday. Looking forward to work tomorrow.