Camping in Derbyshire this weekend. K and I travelled over to Ashbourne on Friday after work. It was a nice drive - top down all the way. Arrived at a very busy campsite just north of Ashbourne. Took us a little while to queue up and get checked in but then found the pitch and got the tent up in double-quick time. The Walkers, Hickertons and McGinns were already there and set up.
We headed to the onsite pub for dinner but there was going to be a 90 minute wait for food and, as the kids were already hungry, we didn't want to wait. Instead we nipped to the cafe next door for pizzas, chips etc. We ate outside and I really enjoyed it.
Next morning, we discovered we had a slow puncture in our airbed and we woke up lying on the floor - ouch! After a communal breakfast, M&C and K&I walked into Ashbourne (about a mile) while the others took the kids to the pool. We had an ice cream on the way and then had a couple or three pints in the town before walking back. It seems a nice little place.
We arrived back at around 6:30pm and the BBQ was almost ready. Everyone had brought a selection of food so it was all slung on and devoured. Then we sat up chatting and laughing until about 11 when we turned in. I think it's the fresh air but camping always makes me want to go to bed early. I pumped the airbed up really hard in the hope that it would retain a bit more air during the night but no joy and we woke up aching again.
Another communal breakfast and we drove back to Lincoln - roof down once more. Top weekend.