It's been three days since either of us left the house but we've made it out for Christmas Day. K & I started at home with our presents but we didn't get through them all before we had to get ready to go round to the Hickertons for more presents and then lunch. Penny had put on a fine spread for all (seven) of us - and Pete was the only one who didn't have a cold!
After lunch Martin and Philip went for a walk, the girls watched "Noel's Christmas Presents" and I did anything but watch "Noel's Christmas Presents"! Luckily I had plenty of new books to occupy me.
At around five, K and I went round to my Mum's for the evening. Lou, Pat, Olli and Grandad were all there and relaxing after their big lunch. Olli was passed around and even sat on my knee despite my worries about giving him my cold. Dad gave Grandad a lift home and then we did yet more presents!
I've had so many presents, I must have been a very good boy this year.